The Incident

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The Incident 
This is a story I made for my school English task. Happy reading :)

In the central land of the great egyptian continent, there lied a very dry desert. There were no inhabitants of this land of despair. There was’nt any single bird in that hot orange sky, no movement upon the dull, sandy earth, above all, there was absolute silence. You had to trust me, it was nothing but silence, complete and heart-subduing silence.

Oooh... Where am I?

Looking down on this very scene, there stood a solitary traveller. His face was lean and bony, his long, black hair and beard were all rippled in a fuzzy way, his eyes looked baggy and tired. His gaunt face, however, and his clothes, which hung so baggily over his limbs, telltale sign that the man was dying, dying from hunger and from thirst.

North, and east, and west he looked with wild eyes, and then he realized that his wandering had come to an end, ooh.. dead end. Right there, on that desolated desert, he was about to die. His mouth opened slightly, uttered the words nearly in whisper. “Why god? did you make this country? It’s not nearly so well done, you forgot to create the water,” he muttered.

Exhausted, the man decided to take some rest, seated himself in a boulder. Apparently, a large parcel that he had carried appeared to be somewhat too heavy for his strength, so he lowered the bundle to the ground. Instantly, there broke from the gray bundle a little girl with very dark black eyes and freckles on the nose.

“Daddy? Where are we?” said a childish voice, reproachfully. Then, the man unwrapped the bundle and extricated a pretty little girl about five years old with dainty shoes and pink polkadot frock. She was holding a dingy looking mouse. The child was pale, wan, and blind. Oh, how terrible. But her healthy arms and legs showed that she had suffered less than her father.

“Where’s mother?”

“Mother’s gone.” He said.

“Gone? eh!” said the little girl. “Funny, she didn’t say good bye, she always did it. And now she’s gone. Say, it’s awful dry, I’m wondering where we are now. Ain’t there no water nor nothing to eat?”

“No. You’ll just need to be patient and then you’ll be all right. And.. Sweety.. Actually she isn’t gone, she just dashed of hopes and went up to the heaven, dearie.”

“Then mom is dead,” cried the little girl, dropping her face in his father’s chest and sobbing bitterly.

“Yes, she went except you and me. On this bare and dreary land, it’s hard to gain such a pitcher of water”

“Do you mean that we are going to die too?” asked the child, raising her face. “I guess, that’s it.”

For two days and two nights, they resumed their walking to seek some stuff to eat. They neither rest nor repose. By the time they reached a village in the outskirt of the desert, slowly the eyelids drooped over the father’s tired eyes, and the parcel fell to the ground. He slept the deep and dreamless slumber. He sailed away leaving the daughter alone in this infertile land.

Startled for being thrown to the ground, she felt very cross, and she became crosser when she wasn’t find the sign of his dad. “Daddy?” she said. One more time. “Daddy?” she raised her voice slightly, but to her greatest fear, there wasn’t any single voice come from her poor dad. Finally, the sad truth came to her, telling her that the person she loved most in the world has gone forever.

She raised her face to the sky, "Why god? It wasn’t fair at all! Why did you take away my one and only parent! WHY?" she said, infuriate with the lost. She was grinding her teeth and saying this over and over again hoping that god would awake her dad for second chance. “Just me and this sad mouse, how lonely.. Please, come back to me...”

At that very moment, such a hand came and touched the girl on the back, jolting her body slightly. She stood there, shivering from head to foot. “Who are you?” she said with trembling voice. "Oh, I’m a man with a flute and snake but you can call me Fred, some people call me a beggar. But it doesn’t matter,” he said. “I just wanted to inform you that someone has died," he said again with more harsh tone.

"Yeah, whatsoever.. But I already know what you are talking about. It has something to do with my dad.” said the girl sadly.

"Oooh.. Don’t be sad. If you will take my arm," said Fred with untrusted demeanor. "I shall be able to guide you to my house. That's the way. Now, off we go."

And so she found herself walking through the strange place arm in arm with this strange man as if they had known each other. 15 minutes after walking, they came to a halt and began to make their way into Fred’s house.

"Now, You!" said Fred. “Have a seat and I will make you some food and drink.” And really it was a wonderful food and drink. There was a nice brown egg, lightly boiled, for each of them and toasted bread with honey and then a sweet cake. “Yummy! Isn’t it?” Fred said ethusiastically. “Ooh, sweety, it must be hard for you, losing both parents in one time. Hence, for this time and on, you can reside with me.”

“That was very kind of you,” she said with smile. “Ah, yes, thank you,” he said. And when she was tired of eating, he took out a little flute and began to play. And the tune he played made her want to sleep. It must have been hours later when she woke up and found that the mouse she was holding on was gone. “where is my mouse?” she said histerically. But suddenly, she heard something rustling on the mat and when she lowered her head down, a long and enourmous snake glided along and entwined her hand like a vine. She knew it was a snake, but she wasn’t frightened.

"How queer and quiet it is," she said. "It sounds as if there were no one in this house but me and the snake."

But suddenly, there was a sound of glass being shattered to the ground. “Prang!” In that broad window of Fred’s house, there came a boy handing an axe jumping hastily into the house. “Throw the snake away! Safe yourself” he shouted. Panicked, the girl tried to loose the snake’s grip, but the bind was too tight. “Oh! Man! It didn’t budge! Help!” said the girl.

Without second thought, the boy suddenly sprang his axe toward the snake’s body and blood blurted away from its vessels, and finally the snake was gone – gone as well as in a magic show.

“Ah, almost! I saved your life!” exclaimed the boy.

“Thank you. But, can you tell me what kind of creature it was? She said.

“Oh, it was the most terrible creature that ever lived on earth, you know? The beggar that offered you to stay in his house? He was actually a wicky psychic that spent his entire life trying to lure and catch the children then eat them away. He did it on purpose, there was a rumour that he eats the children to prevent himself for aging. Also he could take any sort of form as easy as he wanted to be. Well, in your case, he’s a snake.” Explained the boy.

“Well, once again, thanks. But, the sad truth is I have no family nor house to stay for the night.” said the girl with husky voice.

“Oh, c’mon! I can’t leave you here alone, I’m not that sort of people, come with me” he said gleefully and offered his right hand. The girl accepted his offer and began walking happily side by side with the boy.
